Tiffany Moore
"In January I decided that I was getting burned out with my regular CrossFit classes and felt that I needed a change or something different. I spoke with my husband about the way I was feeling and he suggested I go in for a consultation at Opex Columbia.
I knew that I didn't want to get away from CrossFit, because I love CrossFit. I love the functional fitness, the atmosphere, the community...all of it, but I needed more. After my consultation and talking to several OPEX athletes, I decided to take the leap.
I have now been with OPEX Columbia for 3 months and I can honestly say it has been the best decision concerning my fitness and health that I could have made. I was already a healthy eater, but I have learned what and how much my body needs to fuel. I have learned that it takes time to get better, but it WILL happen.
My Coach (Carl) has really focused on my goals that I have and has made sure that I am getting the fitness and nutrition that I need to meet those goals. He is not just a coach, but a friend. I don't want my kids to remember Mommy always trying to be "skinny" but that mommy tried to be as fit and strong as she could be".