Mermaid Waffles 2.0
10 Nov

Mermaid Waffles 2.0

Mermaid Waffles 2.0

You're probably wondering why they are called "Mermaid Waffles". Naturally one names a new recipe after their spirit animal, but the name also came from the color these Waffles came out the FIRST time I made them. Mermaid Waffles 1.0 were made with Purple Japanese Sweet Potatoes (totally by mistake, thought I bought the White ones) but I went with it. By the time Mermaid Waffles 1.0 were cooked and ready to eat, they were either purple or green. It was actually a pretty awesome looking waffle, but the taste wasn't what I was looking for. So in comes Mermaid Waffles 2.0!! 


150g White Japanese Sweet Potato (NOT THE PURPLE ONES! ha!)

½ tbsp Raw Local Honey

1/2 Scoop of SFH Churro Protein Powder (this protein is SUPER sweet so it added some spunk to the waffle mix, while also adding some extra protein)

1 tbsp Gluten Free Baking Mix

1 Egg


  1.  Plug in Waffle Maker, Wait for it to heat up.
  2.  Mix all ingredients in a bowl until nice and smooth.
  3.  Pour Waffle Mix into Waffle Maker.
  4.  Wait for Waffle to turn Golden Brown.  
  5.  Wait until cool and dig in !


Put anything from Syrup to Blueberry Jam on top! These Waffles are so sweet you may not need anything at all!


If you are looking to make a batch for breakfast; these freeze really well and can be stuck in the toaster in the morning! Just wait until they are completely cool before storing them in a ziplock bag. 


1 Waffle

37g P

51g C

18g F

510 kcal

Allison McKail White

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